Monday, September 19, 2011

Ruby Tuesday #14-KFC Plates

A lunch treat at KFC by my cousin with those red plates, straw and my red blouse perfect for my post comeback in RUBY TUESDAY! Blessings!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

MYM #13-Flowers that brightens my day:)

 I missed posting it here in Mellow Yellow Monday 
This is my new entry this week I hope you all like it and I hope I can constantly post an entry here!
I choose this picture of me with the flowers I got from my boyfriend for my birthday:)
Since he can't be with me, he took an effort to send a present for me! 
I love the flowers and it brightens my day:)
This is the 3rd times he sent me flowers and I told him for the 4th time he should deliver it personally and he said yes he will!
So fascinated with the yellow flowers!
